Thursday, May 27, 2010

Cadastral Map

Cadastral Map

A cadastral map is a map which provides detailed information about real property within a specific area. These maps are usually maintained by the government, and they are a matter of public record; anyone who wishes to go to the office which maintains the records can ask to see them. This is a cadastral map of all of the counties in Delaware.

Thematic Map

Thematic Map

A thematic map is a type of map especially designed to show a particular theme connected with a specific geographic area. This map's theme shows the climate around the world.

Topographic Map

Topographic Map

A Topographic map is a type of map characterized by a large scale detail and quantitative representation of relief, usually using contour lines in modern mapping, but historically using a variety of methods. This map was produced by the United States Geological Survey and illustrates the community of Northeast, Maryland which is located along the shorelines of the Chesapeake Bay. The brown lines on this map are contour lines and they trace points of equal elevation across the map.

Planimetric Map

Planimetric Map

A map indicating only the horizontal positions of features and not the vertical features, without regard to elevation, in contrast with a topographic map, which indicates both horizontal and vertical position. This is a detail of a planimetric map of China, by the Japanese Expeditionary Forces in Shanghai, showing a walled Chinese city and irrigation system in 1932.

Mental Map

Mental Map

A person's perception of the world is known as a mental map. A mental map is an individual's own internal map of their known world. This is a mental map of child asked to describe the geographic map of the world according to their knowledge.